Dinámicas de cambio y nuevos horizontes
Resumen de las comunicaciones
25 y 26 de abril de 2019

Lugar de celebración: Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Filología A. (
        Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ciudad Universitaria. Plaza Menéndez Pelayo s/n. 28040, Madrid. 
         Metro "Ciudad Universitaria", Línea 6 (gris). Autobuses desde Moncloa: G, 82 y 132

La conferencia inaugural y las comunicaciones de los ejes primero a cuarto tendrán lugar en el Salón de Grados. El eje quinto, dedicado a la tradición oral, se desarrollará en otra sala que ya se indicará en el programa definitivo.

25 de abril
9h00-9h30 inscripción

Inauguración y presentación: 9:30 - 10:00
Conferencia inaugural: 10:00 - 11:00
- «Lenguas naturales y lenguas cultivadas”, Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera, catedrático de Lingüística de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

«Natural and Cultivated Languages». In this talk I will draw a distinction between natural and cultivated languages. Natural languages (NLs) are formed spontaneously in human communities without any intentional initiative, are put to use in an automatic and unconscious way, are constrained by the psycho-physiological characteristics of human beings and change blindly through spontaneous variation and selection. Cultivated languages (CLs) are the product of certain goal-oriented partial elaborations of NLs, are established by explicit convention and agreement inside a community, are subjected to social, political, ideological purposes and are stable in time and present no or little variation. CLs differ from NLs in three fundamental ways: they are not spontaneously learnable, they present little variation and change and they are not usually performed in an automatic and unconscious fashion. Standard written languages are a typical example of CL and every-day spontaneously spoken languages NL.
Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera, Cuestiones clave de la lingüística. Madrid: Síntesis, 2013, capítulos 2 y 5.
Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera and José-Luis Mendívil-Giró, On biology, history and culture in human language. A Critical Overview. Bristol: Equinox, 2014, chapters 1 and 4.

Descanso: 11:00 - 11:30

Primer eje: El árabe marroquí en el espacio público: representaciones, discursos y paisaje: 11:30 - 12:30 y de 12:30 a 13:30
- « Jeu de langues et paysage urbain marocain. Quelle place pour l’arabe marocain ? », Leila Messaoudi et  Mustapha Khiri, FLSH – Kénitra / Faculté polydisciplinaire - Errachidia

         Le but de cette communication est de proposer une réflexion à partir d’une étude empirique du paysage linguistique urbain marocain selon la dimension de la ville et son degré d'urbanisation, à travers les deux villes  de Rabat et d’Errachidia qui seront abordées à l’aide de deux approches : 1) celle du Paysage linguistique (linguistic landscape, Landry & Bourhis, 1997) et 2) celle de la Sociolinguistique urbaine (Calvet, 1994 ; Bulot et Messaoudi, 2003).
         La présence de telle ou telle langue dans un environnement n’est pas fortuite et reflète généralement la politique linguistique de droit mais aussi celle de fait. L’hypothèse est que le jeu des langues en présence (essentiellement, l’arabe standard, l’arabe marocain, l’amazigh, le français et sporadiquement, l’anglais ou l’espagnol) traduit une géographie de la ville qui s’appuie sur une identification à deux niveaux. Un premier niveau « conçu » qui découle d’une élaboration légitimée officiellement tandis qu’un deuxième niveau « vécu » émane d’une appréhension correspondant à une stratification sociale où l’emploi de telle ou telle langue renvoie à une ségrégation spatiale s’accompagnant d’attributs qualifiant telle ou telle partie de la ville.
         A noter qu’une attention particulière sera accordée aux domaines et aux rôles des variétés linguistiques dans ce jeu des langues et en particulier à l’arabe marocain.

- «Aproximación al estudio de las colocaciones en árabe marroquí”, Houda Jaafar, Universidad Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fez

«Approach to the study of placements in Moroccan Arabic». The Moroccan Arab maintains a very strong relationship with the culture of the people since it is the true vehicle for transmitting values and human experiences. Under this prism, we are interested in studying a very important part of the Moroccan Arabic phraseology: placements. Our goal is to answer to these questions: is there a difference between fixed expression and placement? How are the placements distributed in Moroccan Arabic?

- « De la continuité linguistique du préhilalien de type jebli au-delà du territoire des Jbala », Fouad Brigui, Universidad Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fez

On considère, généralement, que le territoire des Jbala, au nord-ouest du Maroc, est limité, au sud, par le bassin de l'Oued Ouergha moyen, au nord, par le détroit de Gibraltar et, au nord-est, par le Rif et l'Oriental.
Le parler des Jbala, de type préhilalien, se limiterait donc à cet espace géographique. Or, comme l'avaient déjà pressenti et indiqué des sémitisants de l'ère coloniale et comme l'ont confirmé des travaux récents, des parlers présentant des caractéristiques similaires aux parlers des Jbala sont attestés au sud-est et au sud-ouest de cette aire géographique.
Cet article fait la synthèse de ces travaux et analyse des données recueillies récemment qui montrent la parenté entre le parler des Jbala et des parlers appartenant à des zones situées en dehors de ce territoire et qui en constituent, probablement, l'extension.

- «Redactando la nueva política lingüística marroquí: ideología e ideas lingüísticas en los textos legislativos propuestos en el periodo 2015-2017», Laura Gago Gómez, Universidad de Salamanca

«Drafting the new linguistic policy in Morocco: ideology and linguistic ideas in proposed legal texts between 2015-2017». In the period 2015-2017 Morocco has witnessed an important legislative activity concerning its linguistic policy (three Proposals of Law and two Projects of Law).  This activity seeks to comply with the requirements of the 2011 Constitution: the implementation of Tamazigh as an official language and the creation of the National Council for the Moroccan Languages and Cultures. Even though the official recognition of the country’s multilingualism would foster the implementation of a linguistic policy that would overcome the monolingual ideology which prevailed in the Arabicization policy, it is necessary to determine whether this is the case. To do so, this paper analyzes the linguistic ideas and the ideology underneath the different texts presented at the legal fore. More specifically, it dissects two Projects of Law —Project of Law n. 26.16 on the implementation of the official role of Tamazigh and the Project of Law n. 04.16 on the foundation of the National Council for the Moroccan Languages and Culture— and three Proposals of Law —PAM’s Proposal from 2015 on the implementation of Tamazigh’s official role; Istiqlāl Party’s proposal on the foundation of the National Council for the Moroccan Languages and Culture and PJD’s Proposal from 2017 on Standard Arabic—. The analysis of these texts eventually demonstrates whether there have been a redirection of the linguistic policy and the ideology that support it.

Quinto eje: La tradición oral: entre la investigación y su enseñanza en el aula: 11:30 - 12:30 y de 12:30 a 13:30

- «Cuervos y búhos: la metáfora como elemento pragmático en refranes de la dariya y del español peninsular», Carmen Vicente Molinero, Universidad de Zaragoza

«Crows and owls: the metaphor as a pragmatic element in proverbs of Dariya and Peninsular Spanish». In this paper, we will study the metaphor as a pragmatic problematic element in the ASL. We will uses principles of cognitive linguistics to analyze the characteristics of the conceptual metaphor and its linguistic expression. On the other hand, we will also discuss, how conceptual metaphor is influenced both by the language and the culture. For this purpose, we will use a corpus of proverbs and idioms in Dariya and in Spanish. This analysis will then be used to develop ELE's materials that approach this type of questions, but are normally forgotten in the classroom of languages.

- «Mecanismos de producción fitonímica: Nombres vernáculos de Opuntia sp. en árabe marroquí», Joaquín Bustamante Costa, Universidad de Cádiz

« Mécanismes de la production phytonomique: noms vernaculaires d'Opuntia sp. en arabe marocain». Comment une langue fonctionne-t-elle pour attribuer un nom à une nouvelle plante ? Les mécanismes utilisés par la langue arabe pour dénommer la cactacée américaine Opuntia ficus-indica et d’autres espèces du même genre sont similaires à ceux suivis par la langue espagnole confrontée au même problème : l’adoption d’un terme procédant d’une langue étrangère, la réadaptation d’un nom patrimonial, ou l’invention du nom en fonction des traits distinctifs les plus remarquables. Les noms habituels au Maroc pour la figue de Barbarie sont ici exposés et analysés d’après son origine et typologie, et on fait aussi une incursion dans les noms de cette plante en arabe orientale. Nous finissons, à titre d’illustration, par une vidéo parlée dans un dialecte central, où un agriculteur soucieux dénonce le danger du fléau de la cochenille et y utilise deux des noms étudiés ici, l’un pour la figue et l’autre pour le figuier de Barbarie.

- « L’homme marocain : de l’acte proverbial à l’image sociale », Hamid Jaafar & Touria Lachhab, Université de Safi, Faculté Plydisciplinaire

We would like to examine vocabulary related to qualifiers used to describe Moroccan men by their fellow country-women. These attributes keep circulating whenever women meet in different situations. Since a long period of time, male territory has been explored discretely by women by means of proverbs that leads us to raise the following questions: which images are used by women to describe men? And why are such proverbs that treat physical qualities, nature of relations within family and that, sometimes, even have pejorative meaning are used to to describe men?

- «In the vanguard of science? Or what an oral tradition can teach linguists (case study of oral poetry of the Jbala)», Sarali Gintsburg, Marie Curie fellow at the University of Navarra

It is no secret that oral traditions, once a trendsetting topic for research, have now lost their popularity with scholars. Today, scholarly debates evolve around other areas and among the most fashionable ones are those, related to cognitive science - human cognition, human memory and creativity. In my paper I would like to demonstrate how research on oral traditions, in this particular case, the oral tradition of the Jbala (northern Morocco) can be used in such ‘hot’ research areas. For instance, I will show how studying poetry created in performance can allow us to learn more about cognitive processes behind the poet’s creativity and how some fundamental notions of the cognitive science, such as frames and scripts, can be applied to oral texts. On the other hand, by analyzing some of the particles used by Jebli oral poets in their poetic texts, I will offer a new approach to reading and understanding this poetic genre in all its complexity.

Comida: 13:30 - 15:00

Segundo eje: Árabe marroquí y diáspora: lengua, identidad y prácticas lingüísticas: 14:45 - 16:15
- «Prácticas trans-lingüísticas y reconstrucción de identidades en estudiantes de origen magrebí en Galicia», Adil Moustaoui Srhir, Gabriela Prego Vázquez, y Luz Zas Varela, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

«Trans-linguistic practices and reconstruction of identities in students of Maghrebi origin in Galicia». The aim of this presentation is to analyze the varieties that are part of the linguistic and identity repertoires of young Moroccan and Algerian origin students from generation 1.5 and 2.0 in Galicia (Pereiro, Prego and Zas 2017). The presentation explores how multilingual trans-language repertoires of young students (Ofelia García et al., 2018) have a strong attachment to Moroccan Arabic (dariya) as a family language and which local languages, such as Spanish and Galician, have been incorporated in hybrid practices (Code-Switching, Code-mixing, translanguaging, etc ...) connected with their transnational trajectories and their process of local schooling.

- «Rompiendo tabúes: el proyecto ‘Hshouma’», Carmen Garratón Mateu, Universidad de Cádiz

«Breaking taboos: ‘Hshouma’ proyect». In Moroccan Arabic the word “hshouma” means “shame” and it refers to a taboo subject that one should not discuss. This silencing practice affects various areas such as body, sexuality, gender equality and personal freedom. The difficulty of dealing with these topics gives rise to misconceptions and to lack of information. “Hashouma” Project, led by the Moroccan illustrator and activist, Zainab Fasiki, proposes the use of the comic and of Darija to reach out to more people and break those taboos. Through a series of comics and a digital platform, the artist gives visibility to these questions. She invites everyone to participate in the project in order to be a “part of the change”, fostering the use of Darija to “create” the necessary words, capable to name the taboos that cannot even be translated into Moroccan Arabic.

- « L’arabe marocain citadin face aux influences des T.I.C », Samia Belhaj, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah de Fès

Moroccan Arabic is currently undergoing major changes due to the different linguistic interactions (specially French and modern Arabic), which became evident following the revolution in the fields of information and communication (internet, audiovisual, social networks), etc.). These developments, which, nevertheless, have not led to official recognition, create an increasingly complex linguistic situation that lends itself to various reflections. Here, we wonder about the birth of urban Moroccan Arabic, as a local variety, essentially oral, in the face of the influences of ICT (information and communication technologies) by posing, among others, these two main questions :
1- What are the types of changes in the uses of Moroccan urban Arabic?
2- How do these evolutions play a role in favor of a dynamic of language practices of urban Moroccan Arabic?

Descanso: 16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 17:30 y de 17:30 a 18:30
- «Purismo o inseguridad lingüística ¿qué actitud tienen los marroquís hacia la dariya?», Sanae Metaich, Universidad Hassan II, Casablanca

«Purism or linguistic insecurity, what attitude do Moroccans have towards dariya?». Although some studies reveal that socio-linguistic attitudes among Moroccan people regarding 'dariya' have changed in the last few years (Jaap de Ruiter and Ziamari, 2014), the latest controversy concerning the introduction of some words in this language to school textbooks has shown that 'dariya' suffers a severe stigmatization, not just by the elites with clear ideological affiliations, but also by the youth that, however, doesn't hesitate to use darija when it comes to sharing messages on social media that are against ( or in favor in some cases) of this kind of measures.

- «Estudiantes de árabe de origen marroquí en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: conciencia e identidad lingüística», Francisco Moscoso García, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

In our paper we present the results of a survey, run at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Autonomous University of Madrid, during academic year 2017-2018. We had thirty one students, who participated in this survey, all of them are of Moroccan origin and all majoring in Asian and African Studies, Arabic philology. We aim to continue working in this direction and offer this questionnaire to other students with Moroccan background, who study at other Spanish universities. The survey consists of forty-three questions and has the following these parts: personal data, learning, level of the native language, level of Spanish and classical Arabic, daily use of language skills and some personal considerations about the languages that they know.

- «La construcción de la identidad en el contexto migratorio. La lengua como referencia», Soufian Marouan, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

«The construction of identity in the migratory context». Moroccan migrants demonstrate a wide array of attitudes towards various topics related to the country of origin and the host society. These positions generate a variety of identity constructions. In a double discursive process, in which the language shows the membership or the distance, this one becomes one of the central topic where this process is materialized. At the same time and within this dialectic, the Arabic varieties –Standard Arabic and Moroccan Arabic (Darija)– take up various statuses and they are valued in different ways. Through a qualitative research methodology, based on several focus group discussion, we demonstrate the meanings acquired by the language in the construction of identities in a group of Moroccan migrants in Madrid.

- «El estatus nepantla del dariya ceutí: entre la bastardía y la inferiorización», Hamed Abdel-Lah Ali, Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes

«The nepantla status of dariya ceutí: between bastardy and inferiorization». The multicultural society of Ceuta has suffered in the past four decades an involution regarding coexistence among the different communities that comprise it, resulting three types of communities: a majorized one, a minority (both are excluding) and a minoritized one (amoeba). Our qualitative research was carried out through Discussion Groups formed by parents, some political religious, cultural and educational representatives of the Arab-Muslim-Berber-Darija speaking community of Ceuta from what Boaventura de Sousa Santos calls the Sociology of Absences. On a linguistic level, Darija of Ceuta is a border, mixed and transcultural language. Therefore, it is rejected not only by the hegemonic majority group, but also by a small part of its own speakers, who due to the Pygmalion Effect and their arrogant ethnocentrism - similar in intensity to that of the Christian majority of the West - bastardizes their mother tongue, and idealizes the Fusha in search of an illusory affiliation twith the Islamist Umma.

Quinto eje: La tradición oral: entre la investigación y su enseñanza en el aula: 16:30 - 17:30 y de 17:30 a 18:30

- «Les valeurs dépréciatives d’un parler de l’Oriental marocain ou le lexique du mécontentement (cas de Jerada et Ain Béni Mathar)», Mohammed Malki, Université Mohammed Premier, Oujda

«The depreciative values ​​of a Moroccan Oriental dialect or the lexicon of discontent (case of Jerada and Ain Beni Mathar)». In this communication, proposed in French, we will examine the metamorphosis of the lexicon in the varieties of Arabic Moroccan spoken in the eastern part of this country, namely, the dialect of the cities of Jerada and Ain Beni Mathar. This dialect is going through the situation of a status change: passing from a situation of ordinary communication to a tense situation, the register changes completely. The terms used are no longer the same; hence the choice of the expression ‘lexical metamorphosis’. Semantically charged terms and expressions convey the speaker's fury and distress. In this language of depreciative value, the discourse is woven in terms of metaphors and allegories. It is, also, accompanied by gestures, and is punctuated by tones and intonations that faithfully translate the feeling of rage that invades the speaker.

- « Etude de quelques aspects linguistiques du parler jebli des Ouled Boumalek », Rida Chalfi, Faculté polydisciplinaire d’Errachidia Université Moulay Ismail

En relation avec la thématique du colloque, nous centrerons le contenu de notre communication sur l’étude de quelques particularités linguistiques du paler jebli d’Ouled Boumalek. Il s’agit d’un douar situé à 18 Km du village Mtioua (province de Taounate). Dans notre exposé, les résultats que nous présenterons sont le labeur de quelques enquêtes de terrain auprès d’informateurs, surtout âgés qui ne quittent que rarement leur zone d’origine (particularité phonétiques / phonologiques / morphologiques et lexicales). Pour ce faire, nous avons exploité plusieurs techniques de terrain (Observation participante, entretien et questionnaire…

- « Rāmna et Doukkala-Abda : une unité dialectale ? », Issam Marjani, Università di Pisa

   This paper provides a descriptive study of the dialectal variety spoken in the Rāmna region (North Central Morocco). In the first part, this dialectal variety will be analysed for the first time, since there is not any scientific or generic pre-existent analysis. In the second part, the data from this area will be compared with those from the neighbouring region of Doukkala-Abda. This region as well has not been analysed by anyone else before the author of this paper.

- «Moroccan Dialect Use in Traditional Oral Tales», Driss Cherkaoui, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA

This article explores the cultural and linguistic aspects of Moroccan traditional tales, examining the dialect used by the storytellers, the proverbs they include when orally performing their stories, and references to both everyday life and other sources. Some of the narrator's expressions of obvious truths or familiar experiences may be readily understood cross-culturally while others are culturally specific; some of the common proverbs have their equivalent in other languages, whereas a foreign speaker does not so easily understand other Moroccan dialectal expressions. This article also examines other aspects of the linguistic tools found in the Moroccan tales, such as formulae which are invariable phrases similar in nature to the refrains of songs and are also related to proverbs. There are also opening and closing expressions which may be used, or religious expressions; the article examines the nature of such words and phases used in the tales. Finally, the article also compares the language used in these tales with that of other Moroccan oral artistic performances, such as Tahlal (Bedouin spiritual chanting).

26 de abril
Tercer eje: Estandarización y des-estandarización del árabe marroquí: 09:30 - 11:30
- «Rejecting the Use of Moroccan Arabic in the Textbooks: Between Pedagogic Requirements and the Dictates of Social Media», Abdellah Chekayri, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco

The school academic year 2018-2019 in Morocco has witnessed strong reactions in the social media about a page from an Arabic new textbook containing vocabulary referring to Moroccan food and clothing. The preponderant comments can be synthesized in two main positions: 1) those who disavow the use of darija, Moroccan Arabic, vocabulary in school; and 2) those who see in its use, in the early years of primary education, as an urgent need to facilitate the gradual transition from the mother tongue to Modern Standard Arabic.
Integrating Moroccan Arabic words in the textbook is considered by the first position, a declaration of failure of the educational system in Morocco, a threat to the country's culture and identity, and a prejudice to the Islamic religion. The second position does not disown the use of Moroccan Arabic in the first three years of early education. They consider that the child's knowledge cannot be ignored in the learning process, and the mother tongue is a tool that helps absorb the learning materials better, and an effective strategy for preventing early dropping out of school, and an instrument to reinforce identity.
The debate has moved beyond the virtual world to the political arena as stated by the government, the parliamentary groups of the Justice and Development and Independence Parties and the Ministry of National Education. In this context, this paper seeks to shed light on the problem of darija and the Standard Arabic in Morocco by discussing the impact of these views on language learning, from socio-linguistic and educational point of views.

- «Tentativas de escritura del árabe marroquí. La poesía del zéjel», Mercedes Aragón Huerta, Universidad de Cádiz

«Attemps to write in Moroccan Arabic. The poetry of the zajal». The aim of this paper is to compare the way in which Moroccan Arabic is written in different literary texts, to trace the fluctuation and hesitation to write in a spoken language that does not have yet a standardized writing system, since it has not been codified nor standardized, but it has an emergent literary production. Among the writers who have chosen to write in their mother tongue, the zajal (or contemporary literary poetry written in Moroccan Arabic) poets stand out, being Ahmed Lemsyeh their main leader. Therefore, after offering a brief overview of this genre, a selection of zajal poems will be chosen as the study corpus for carrying out this work, from which the relevant conclusions will be drawn.

- «El debate mediático en torno a la legitimación de la dariya en Marruecos. El árabe marroquí en los manuales escolares», Otman el Azami, Proyecto I+D DIPURE, Universidad de Almeria

«The media debate about the legitimation of dariya in Morocco. Moroccan Arabic in school textbooks». Like most linguistic changes, the process of legitimation of Moroccan Arabic has to go through different steps of progress, stagnation and, at least apparent regression. In this paper we analyze the recent and great controversy about the inclusion of words and expressions in dariya in primary school textbooks. We focus on the debate around this event, which is turning into a controversial fight that is taking place in both, the political arena and the Media.

- « Le théâtre à l’épreuve de l’arabe marocain », Omar Fertat, Université Bordeaux Montaigne

Art populaire par excellence, et contrairement aux autres formes littéraires tels le roman ou la poésie, le théâtre marocain a, depuis sa naissance, utilisé sans hésitation l’arabe marocain. Tous les registres de la langue maternelle des Marocains ont été déclinés dans les différentes réalisations dramatiques qu’a connues la scène théâtrale locale. Tayeb Al-Alj, qu’on surnommait le Molière marocain et qui a baigné depuis sa tendre enfance dans la culture marocaine citadine de sa ville natale, Fès, a réussi à faire de la langue du Melhoun et du Zagal, une langue scénique qui eut beaucoup de succès auprès du public local. D’autres à l’image de Tayeb Saddiki ont opté pour l’utilisation d’un arabe marocain plus épuré et plus moderne avant de proposer un savoureux mélange d’arabe marocain, de français et d’arabe classique dans des pièces qui sont considérées aujourd’hui comme des chefs-d’œuvre du théâtre arabe (al-Maqāmāt, Abū ayyāan al Twīdī…). Enfin, d’autres dramaturges à l’image de Mohamed Kaouti,  n’hésitèrent pas à faire appel à « l’arabe marocain campagnard », celui auquel on recourait essentiellement pour susciter le rire facile dans les sketchs mettant souvent en scène des  campagnards naïfs et ignorants, pour en faire une expression d’une beauté extrême. Kaouti n aréussi laprouesse d’adapter En attendant Godot  de Beckett et Maître Puntila et son valet Matti de Brecht en dialecte chaoui. Cette dernière pièce qu’il titra Bū Ġāba et dont le premier rôle fut jouée par la grand comédienne marocaine Touriya Jebrane fut l’un dessplus grand succès du théâtre marocain. Nous essaierons au travers de notre communication, en s’arrêtant sur quelques expériences scéniques phares, de démontrer comment l’arabe marocain a été utilisé par les dramaturges marocains les plus prestigieux et comment il a réussi à devenir une « langue scénique » et artistique  par excellence.

Descanso: 11:30 - 12:00

Mesa redonda: Estandarización y des-estandarización, modera y coordina Adil Moustaoui, 12:00 - 13:00 (Las personas participantes en la mesa están por confirmar)

Comida: 13:00 a 15:00

Cuarto eje: Desafíos en la enseñanza del árabe marroquí: 15:00 - 16:00 y 16:00 - 17:00
- «Árabe para todos / العربية للجميع. El desafío de elaborar materiales para la enseñanza del árabe/marroquí», Victoria Aguilar Sebastián, Universidad de Murcia

«Arabic for everybody / الدارجة للجميع. The challenge of processing new materials for teaching Moroccan Arabic». In the case of Arabic language, reality deals with the simultaneous coexistence of, at least, two varieties. This evidence persuades us to accept the learning of these varieties as a proof to test Arabic language proficiency. On the other hand, the use of Moroccan Arabic is increasing in all fields. However, one of the most pressing challenges in the field of teaching Darija has to do with the development of materials. It is important that we address this challenge in a good way that is, following the guidelines of the existing research in the TAFL field (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language).

- «Moroccan Darija in Online Creation Communities: Example of Wikipedia», Anass Sedrati, Abderahman Ait Ali y Yassir Jedra, redactors de Wikimedia Marruecos.

Online creation communities (OCC) are networks of individuals that collaborate via platforms over the Internet in order to share knowledge. Wikipedia is one of biggest OCCs in the world and has a mission to spread free knowledge worldwide. One of the pillars of Wikipedia is that all humans should access information in their native language. Among essential features of this system are its decentralization and independence from any state and entity, as well as allowing users to contribute directly the project of their choice.
In this context, the existence of projects aiming to provide an encyclopaedic content in Moroccan Darija was noticed. This paper presents Darija projects in the Wikipedia platform together with their status and discusses different challenges that are experienced by such projects. We conclude by analyzing future prospects of these projects and suggesting a number of improvements that can be implemented.

- «Evolución metodológica de la enseñanza del árabe marroquí en España: pasado, presente y desafíos futuros», Rosa Salgado Suárez, Universidad de Sevilla

«Methodological evolution of teaching Moroccan Arabic in Spain: past, present and future challenges». The history of Moroccan Arabic Studies in Spain dates back to the late eighteenth century and continues to the present day. During these little over two centuries, teaching Moroccan Arabic has been adapted to the most famous methods used in Europe for teaching modern languages. The goal of this communication is to analyse the methodological developments in Moroccan Arabic education to better understand the challenges that will arise in the future.

- «El árabe marroquí de Ceuta y el fracaso escolar: una revisión a través de la prensa local y de la investigación educativa (2005-2018)», Rafael Ángel Jiménez Gámez, Universidad de Cádiz

«The Moroccan Arabic of Ceuta and school failure: a review through the local press and educational research (2005-2018)». Ten years ago we conducted an investigation on school failure in Ceuta. It is proven that its causes are related to different factors. The population of Ceuta is mostly of Christian-Western origin, and local teachers, who are mostly Spanish-speaking, indicate as the main cause of school failure the use of Ceuta Arabic, the mother tongue of at least 70% of the Arab-Muslim school population of the city. On the other hand, some research and quite a few civil society groups in Ceuta reject the idea that bilingualism is the essential factor. In this paper we analyse, through the local press and the results of the research that has directly or tangentially touched upon this topic, the evaluations and proposals of academia and civil society during the last thirteen years.

Descanso: 17: 17:30

Clausura del congreso: 17:30 - 18:00

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