25TH -26TH April 2019

Lugar de celebración: Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Filología A. (
        Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ciudad Universitaria. Plaza Menéndez Pelayo s/n. 28040, Madrid. 
         Metro "Ciudad Universitaria", Línea 6 (gris). Autobuses desde Moncloa: G, 82 y 132

La conferencia inaugural y las comunicaciones de los ejes primero a cuarto tendrán lugar en el Salón de Grados. El eje quinto, dedicado a la tradición oral, se desarrollará en otra sala que ya se indicará en el programa definitivo.

Call for papers

            Over the last decade, continuous changes of a sociolinguistic nature have been taking place in Morocco. Some of these changes have to do with the implementation of language planning and policy and the standardisation of both Amazigh and particularly Moroccan Arabic. This is leading to interesting modifications that affect the social and political status, as well as the function of these language varieties. These changes, which determine the configuration of the sociolinguistic regime of Morocco, generate, in turn, reactions and debates that go beyond the purely linguistic, being instrumental in the transformation of certain social, political and economic practices.
            Taking a critical sociolinguistic approach, the aim of this international conference is to analyse how these dynamics of linguistic change are related to the new social practices that are also taking place in the country. A further objective will be to analyse the impact of these linguistic and social changes, not only on the status of Moroccan Arabic, but also on the new processes of identity construction that arise as a result of such changes and that are directly or indirectly influenced by other dynamics of change.
            Finally, the conference will pay special attention to the analysis, not only of the new language planning proposals that are being applied in relation to Moroccan Arabic, but also of the debate and discourses that they are generating in the public sphere. It will address other aspects related to examples of new linguistic awareness and the social, political and identity empowerment that Moroccan Arabic has been experiencing over recent years, not only in the country of origin but also in diaspora. For this reason, we find it interesting to include manifestations of oral literature, which are a factor to be taken into account within this linguistic awareness.

Conference topics:
- Standardization and des-standardization of Moroccan Arabic
- Moroccan Arabic in public space: representations, discourses and linguistic landscape
- Moroccan Arabic in diaspora: language, identity and linguistic practices
- Challenges in teaching Moroccan Arabic
- Oral literature: Research and teaching

Adil Moustaoui Srhir (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Francisco Moscoso García (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

The congress is part of the research lines of:
Research project “Crisis y dinámicas locales y transnacionales en el Mediterráneo Occidental. Cambios sociopolíticos, movilizaciones y diáspora. Ref.: CSO2017-84949-C3-1-P”
Research Group “Ideologías y Expresiones Culturales Árabes Contemporáneas” (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, HUM-082)
Research Group “Grupo de análisis y estudio sobre Islam en Europa” (Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Scientific Committee:
Adil Moustaoui Srhir (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Francisco Moscoso García (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
Sarali Ginstburg (Universidad de Navarra, Spain)
Said Kirlani (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)
Abdellah Chekayri (Al Akhawayn University, Morocco)
Laura Mijares Molina (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Fouad Brigui (Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah de Fès, Morocco)
Laura Gago Gómez (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)
Bárbara Herrero Muñoz Cobo (Universidad de Almería, Spain)
Victoria Aguilar Sebastián (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
Abderrahim Youssi (Université Mohamed V de Rabat, Morocco)

Call for papers, Submission proposals:
            Contact e-mail address:
The following information (in English and Spanish) shall be included:
- Name
- Title
- Abstracts with a maximum length of 200 words
Don’t send the proposals during the month of August

Extended Deadline: September 30th 2018

Papers acceptance notification: October 15th 2018

Conference languages: Spanish, English, French or Arabic.
To facilitate the intercomprehension among the participants, the support devices (PTT, handout, etc.) of presentations will be translated into English.